SDLA個展「Scraps and sketches」
展示紹介 / Exhibition Introduction
SDLAによる「スクラップ&スケッチ」は、風刺漫画を切り口に、私たちの日常を滑稽かつ軽妙に振り返る展覧会です。 新聞でよくみかける風刺漫画は、社会や政治など今日の問題について風刺的に意見を共有することを目的としています。手描きで味わい深くユーモラスですが、本質的には深刻で、時には物議を醸すこともあります。 SDLAは日常的に描き溜めた鉛筆スケッチや水彩画を、デジタル及びアナログ手法を用いながら風刺漫画のアプローチでコラージュ画を制作しました。本展を通じ、SDLAは彼自身を含む、わたしたちの日常を滑稽かつ軽妙に描写することで、わたしたちが日々直面する試練や困難に向き合い、また見つめ直す機会をつくりたいと考えます。 視覚的かつ動的な「スクラップ&スケッチ」を体感いただくことで、鑑賞者自身の経験、感情、考察を捉え直す機会になることを願っています。
Scraps and sketches invites us to reflect on ourselves through the lens of the editorial cartoon. These cartoons - traditionally drawn by hand and commonly seen in most newspapers - are a visually attractive way to share our opinions on the issues of the day. Usually humorous, they can be also both serious and sometimes controversial in nature. Taking a creative and visually rich approach to the discipline of editorial cartoon-making using pencil sketches, watercolors, as well as digital and analog collage work, this exhibition puts ourselves into the spotlight and aims to look back at our own struggles we face, victories we achieve, and experiences we learn everyday. Through this exhibition, we invite you to experience Scraps and Sketches and hope that it can help you capture your experiences, emotions, and reflections with a dynamic, colorful, and contemporary approach.概要 / Summary
- 日時 / Date and time
- 2024年 2月 4 日(日)~ 12日(月祝)
※2/9(金)営業時間 13:00-17:00
4 February (Sunday) to 12 February (Monday) 2024
from 11:00 - 17:00. Closed on Wednesday, 7th and Monday, 5 February but open on Monday 12 February in lieu of a National Holiday
- 場所 / Venue
- ビルドスペース birdo space
2-3-11 Minatomachi, Shiogama City, Miyagi Pref. JAPAN 985-0016
Free Admission
- プロフィール / Profile
SDLA is an experimental mixed-media artist. Currently based in Miyagi since 2016, he was in Montreal, Canada and lived in the Philippines for over a decade.
His artwork is heavily influenced by trends in both Eastern and Western popular culture, including comics, manga, and graphic design. These influences are evident in his work - as he tries to bring a fresh perspective into how people digest information visually. SDLA’s art draws from a his multicultural and interdisciplinary experience and combines these elements together with a dose of imagination as he tries to document his personal experiences through his notebooks and notebook related-artwork.Sat is also a member of Honda Kobo (Honda Artist Studio), a shared art studio space in Shiogama, Miyagi, JAPAN.