2024.6.8 - 16
山田なつみ写真展 「Camera Mia – 私の部屋(カメラ)」 / A Photo Exhibition by NATSOUMI (YAMADA Natsumi)
展示紹介 / Exhibition Introduction
本展では、写真家山田なつみが2012年から2024年に発表した「フォルチュネ島」「TOKΘYO(常世)」「UBIQUITÉ ユビキテ」から新作プリントを含む作品を展示します。
-- NATSOUMI (山田なつみ)
Birdo Space is delighted to present the collection of photographer NATSOUMI (YAMADA Natsumi), showcasing both new and previous works released between 2012 and 2024 such as "Les îles Fortunées", "TOKΘYO", and "UBIQUITÉ".
"People often ask me these questions: "Do you shoot landscapes or flowers?" Indeed, I do photograph those things, but I have always approached photography in search of what lies behind them metaphysically, what is invisible to the eye. When I was growing up, I was left-handed, but my grandmother corrected me to be right-handed. Because of this change, the original 'left-handedness' must have only concentrated in my left eye, and it developed a unique perspective. Initially, the word "camera" meant a room in Italian. My left eye through the viewfinder is my true identity. For that one moment, my room (camera) appears. This photographic exhibition is the culmination of my creative journey over the past ten years."
概要 / Summary
- 日時 / Date and time
- 2024年 6月 8 日(土) ~ 16 日(日)
11:00 - 17:00
8 June (Saturday) to 16 June (Sunday) 2024 from 11:00 - 17:00
Closed on Mondays
山田なつみ x 国広陽子氏
2024年 6月9日(日)14:00 - 15:00
定員 先着: 15名
Related event: Afternoon Artists Gallery Talk at birdo space with NATSOUMI
Date: 9 June 2024 (Sun) from 14:00 to 15:00
Attendance capacity: Up to 15 guests,(First come, First Served)
Advance Purchase: 1000 JPY (Includes one drink)
Free for students (University level and below)
Reservation Form
- 場所 / Venue
- ビルドスペース birdo space 塩竈市港町2-3-11
2-3-11, Minatomachi, Shiogama City, Miyagi Pref. JAPAN 985-0016
入場無料 Free Admission
- プロフィール / Profile
- NATSOUMI / 山田なつみ (やまだ・なつみ), YAMADA Natsumi
大学在学中より雑誌「Composite」の 編集に携わる。2003年渡仏。留学中にバイト先の19区にある寿司店にてマグナム・フォトのGueorgui Pinkhassovをはじめ現地写真家と出会う幸運に恵まれ、次第に独学で写真を始める。パリで雑誌編集者/ライターとして活躍後、帰国。2023年6月、ドイツの写真集専門書店「BILDBAND BERLIN」にて発表を行った。
Photographer based in Tohoku, Japan. After moving to France in 2003 to pursue her university studies, she became involved in editing work for the magazine “Composite”. While working part-time at a sushi restaurant in Paris’ 19e Arrondissement, she was fortunate to have interacted with local photographers which included Gueorgui Pinkhassov of renowned photo agency Magnum Photos. She taught herself photography afterwards. After continuing to work as a magazine editor/writer in France, she returned to Japan.
In 2023, She held a photobook presentation showcasing her works at Bildband Berlin, a renowned independent photography bookstore in Berlin, Germany.