2022.1.18 - 2.20

斉藤文春書展 -俳句・短歌と書の交感 / A Calligraphy Exhibition by Bunshun SAITO: Engaging between Haiku/Tanka and Japanese Calligraphy

斉藤文春書展 -俳句・短歌と書の交感 / A Calligraphy Exhibition by Bunshun SAITO: Engaging between Haiku/Tanka and Japanese Calligraphy

展示紹介 / Exhibition Introduction

塩竈市市制80周年、ビルドフルーガス15周年に際し、地域の文化芸術の振興に尽力された俳人・佐藤鬼房(1919〜2002)、書家・青木喜山(1923〜1988)両氏に敬意を表し、関係する俳人・歌人を中心に、俳句・短歌による書作展を開催します。俳句/佐藤鬼房、青木喜山、渡辺誠一郎、水月りの、翁花、渋谷史恵, 短歌/小山朱鷺子、渋谷史恵、岡直勝、自作句歌

In celebration of Shiogama’s 80th year as an established city and the 15th Anniversary of birdo flugas, we pay tribute to the works of poet SATOH Onifusa (1919-2002) and calligraphy artist AOKI Kizan (1923-1988). These two artists have contributed to the promotion of local culture and arts in Shiogama. In addition, we will hold a calligraphic exhibition of haiku and tanka, mainly by both haiku and tanka poets.

概要 / Summary

タイトル / Title
斉藤文春書展 -俳句・短歌と書の交感 / A Calligraphy Exhibition by Bunshun SAITO: Engaging between Haiku/Tanka and Japanese Calligraphy
日時 / Date
2022年1月18日(火)- 2月20日(日)11:30-17:30 
※月曜定休 入場無料

18 January 2022 (Tue) to 20 February 2022 from 11:30 to 17:30
Closed on Mondays
Free Admission
場所 / Venue
ビルドスペース birdo space 塩竈市港町2-3-11
2-3-11, Minatomachi, Shiogama City, Miyagi Pref. JAPAN 985-0016
ギャラリートーク / Gallery Talk (In Japanese Only)
2月 5日(土)アーカイブ動画:「俳句と書と」ゲスト・水月りの氏
2月12日(土)アーカイブ動画:「書と言葉 -俳句・短歌」
1月15日(土)14:00〜 @塩竈市公民館本町分室
1月22日(土)10:00〜 @塩竈市公民館本町分室
※各回先着10人 ※参加無料
プロフィール / Profile
斉藤文春 Bunshun SAITO

Born in Hakodate City, Hokkaido, JAPAN in 1951, SAITO moved to Miyagi Prefecture in his adolescent years due to his father’s work. He has since lived in Shiogama City and continues to do so today. An alum of Shiogama City Daini Junior High and Sendai City Daisan Senior High Schools, he graduated from Tohoku Gakuin University’s Faculty of Economics, and has worked for the Shiogama City local government.

As an artist with over 30 solo exhibitions held to date, his creative journey started upon joining his university’s calligraphy club, where he found his passion and enthusiasm for this discipline. This led him to producing a variety of creative pieces which include logo and branding work for various shops in Shiogama City, including the famed Shiogama-based French restaurant Chez Nous, as well title designs for various films, stage plays, and print publications.
共催 / Co-sponsored by
ビルド・フルーガス / birdo flugas
助成 / With the financial support of
塩竈市文化芸術活動継続支援事業補助金 / The Shiogama City Cultural and Art Activities Lifelong Support Project Fund