METAMORPHOSIS (蛻變) by CHEN Yu-Jung (陳昱榮)
展示紹介 / Exhibition Introduction
このたびビルドスペースでは、マルチメディアとサウンドインスタレーションをてがけるアーティスト、チェン・ユジョン(陳昱榮)の映像作品「METAMORPHOSIS (蛻變)」を展示します。
「メタモルフォシス(蛻變)」という作品で、HIV陽性者のXiaoxia氏が自身の経験を語ります。CHENはXiaoxu氏と共同制作の形式で、スポークンワード、サウンドポエム、既製品など様々な表現媒体を用いて、Xiaoxu氏の個人的な経験を織り込み、再構築しながらビデオに記録し、彼の人生を振り返ります。その過程はXiaoxu氏が自身と折り合いをつける治癒プロセスとなり、私たちが病気にまつわる偏見について考える親密な物語とも言えます。本作でXiaoxu氏は、「恐怖は未知のものから生まれる。"共感 "はすべてを克服するための基礎となる」と表現しています。
本展で展示する「METAMORPHOSIS (蛻變)」は、2021年に台湾の文化多様性・包括性レジデンスプログラムで発表された「Coliving in this World」と題する展覧会の一環として、CHENが制作したビデオアート作品の一つです。
Birdo Space is proud to welcome the work of multimedia and sound installation artist CHEN Yu-jung (陳昱榮).
Under the backdrop of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and in parallel with the 1980s HIV/AIDS outbreak, CHEN shares with us for this exhibition a video art piece showcasing how people overcome the social stigma that comes attached to these diseases and how they’ve found ways to overcome them.
In his work called METAMORPHOSIS (蛻變), CHEN speaks to Xiaoxu, a person who was tested positive for HIV. He collaborates with CHEN to use various mediums of art such as spoken word, sound poems, and ready-made objects to weave and reconstruct his personal experience and document it on video into an intimate narrative that looks back at his life, and along the way becomes a healing process where he comes to terms with himself, and helps us reflect on our own personal biases associated with sickness. In such, Xiaoyu expresses that “fear comes from the unknown, and the 'empathy' is the basis for conquering everything.”
Under the backdrop of an evolving Taiwanese society where same-gender partnerships have been legalized since 2019, the first place in Asia to do so, CHEN’s work invites us to reflect on our own personal challenges, how ordinary people tackle the personal challenges they face in today’s fast-changing society, and how art can transform the individual's life experience into a narrative and an experience helps us rethink the values of symbiosis and coexistence.
METAMORPHOSIS (蛻變) is one of many video art pieces CHEN has produced as part of his exhibition titled “Coliving in this World”, presented at the Taiwan Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity Residency Program in 2021.
概要 / Summary
- 日時 / Date and time
- 2023年3月11日(土)- 4月2日(日)11:00-17:00
11 March 2023 (Sat) to 2 April 2023 from 11:00 to 17:00
Closed on all Mondays during the exhibition including 21 March (Spring Vernal Equinox).
Free Admission
- 場所 / Venue
- ビルドスペース birdo space 塩竈市港町2-3-11
2-3-11, Minatomachi, Shiogama City, Miyagi Pref. JAPAN 985-0016
- プロフィール / Profile
- CHEN Yu-jung・陳昱榮
Born in Taiwan’s Tainan City, CHEN’s artworks come from an interdisciplinary background, focusing on contemporary composition, performance art, experimental improvisation, and mixed media installations.
His more recent work emphasizes on how we interact with audio is various ways, and making the invisible sound become visible by visualizing them. Using his diverse experience in both the worlds of academia and creativity, he fuses together both analog and digital means of sound production to help amplify these emotions associated with sound, and help put into focus the subtle sounds in our daily life which we often take for granted.
CHEN is an alumnus of the National Chiao Tung University’s Institute of Music, with an MFA in multimedia composition, and is currently enrolled at the Tainan National University of Art for a PhD in Art Creation and Theory.