
佐竹真紀子個展「ひびへのトレース」/ Cracks and Traces: A solo exhibition by SATAKE Makiko

佐竹真紀子個展「ひびへのトレース」/ Cracks and Traces: A solo exhibition by SATAKE Makiko
《灯る夜》 木製パネルにアクリル 2023年

展示紹介 / Exhibition Introduction

佐竹真紀子は、震災後、被災地域に通い、現地の人の話や風景をもとに絵画制作をはじめています。人びとから聞く暮らしの情景や、震災後の東北で目にする風景から 着想を得て、見聞きしたイメージの色を塗り重ね、土地の記憶を掘り起こすように色の層を彫り起こします。 佐竹がうみだす画面には、絵画特有の絵の具の層と筆跡に加え、彫跡や研磨跡があります。
新作では、塗り重ねた色の層を彫り起こす描き方(記憶を掘り起こす行為)に加え、着彩や研磨(現在と過去の間を曖昧にする行為)によって、様々な土地で見聞きした人々の秘めた心情やまなざしを見事に描いています。 時間の経過によって、記憶は、水面のきらめきのように美しく感じるときもあれば、潮汐のように覆っていたものをえぐり返されることもあります。佐竹は、鮮明にも曖昧にもなる個人の記憶を色の層と彫跡で描きおこすことで、観者の記憶を静かに想起させます。

本展では、《灯る夜》《水見舞》《おやすみなさい 子どもたち》をはじめする新作群を中心に展示します。どうぞご覧ください。

Artist SATAKE Makiko creates paintings inspired by the stories she’s heard, the conversations she’s had with, and the sceneries she has witnessed, especially after visiting the areas and talking to the people affected by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake.
SATAKE uses a variety of painting styles to help represent the diversity and variety of recollections and lived experiences we acquire throughout our lives and how we emotionally look back at them.
Through her technique of layering vivid acrylic colors over a given time, we can experience the images of what she has seen and heard in her fieldwork. She also carves out these dried-out acrylic layers, bit by bit, bringing out vivid colorful shapes and hues, representing how we dig up our own personal memories.
Mizumimai, is a Japanese custom to folks hit by water-based calamities such as floods, typhoons and the like. For her flagship work of the same title, she also brings a combination of coloring and polishing techniques which blurs these carved-out shapes. This in turn, represents the act of blurring the gaps between our past and present selves, and portrays the hidden feelings of the people who have experienced tragedy.
As time passes by, memories, feelings, and recollections represent our collective human experience no matter how good or bad. They can either be as beautiful as the surface of the water on a calm day in high tide; or painful to unravel through the sediments and rocks of the land as the water recedes down in low tide. SATAKE invites us to deeply reflect these feelings and memories.
Through her artwork, SATAKE demonstrates the importance of facing and coming to terms with our inhibited emotions and forgotten memories. It is something which will continue to be significant and of greater importance for many more people in many more places and territories affected by both human and natural disasters.

「土地の風景や人びとの歩みが地層のように積み重なっているとしたら、思いがけず訪れる出来事やその後のうつろいは、どう堆積していくのだろう。 色変わりして眠っているのかもしれないし、未だひび割れたまま続いているのかもしれない。 ひびは時に、ここではないどこかや、そこに暮らす人びとのつなぎ目となる。 似ていてちがう記憶たちを辿り、面影の置きどころを探している。」 -佐竹真紀子

"If rocks are layered one on top of another just like a stratum of rocks, I wonder how peoples’ lives and experiences accumulate.
Perhaps the colors could stay stagnant, or they may either change. Cracks may surface from these layers and open up. These cracks form traces, and when multiplied, connect each other and build lines. These lines are similar to the memories of people around us, and the people who live with us.
Tracing these, both familiar and different, I am searching for a place along these lines to cast my shadow."
- SATAKE Makiko

概要 / Summary

日時 / Date and time
2023年 8月 26 日(土)~ 9月17 日(日)



26 August 2023 (Sat) to 17 September 2023 (Sun) from 11:00 to 17:00
Closed on the Monday during the exhibition
Free Admission
ギャラリートーク & レセプション / Gallery and Reception
2023年 8月 27日(日)
15:00-17:00 入場無料




日時 8月27日(日)17:30-19:00
場所 本多工房 塩竈市北浜1-1-40


Gallery Talk and Reception
27 August 2023 (Sun) from 15:00 to 17:00
Free Admission

There will be an opening reception which will kick-off the run of this exhibition. In addition, the exhibiting artist will be on site to talk about her artworks in more detail. Visitors are welcome to drop by and attend.

From 17:30 to 19:00, the public is also invited to an open door visit to her atelier at the Honda Artists Studio at 1-1-40 Kitahama in Shiogama, Miyagi. The venues are both accessible on foot - 5 mins from JR East Hon-Shiogama Station on the Senseki Line and 15 minutes from Birdo Space.
場所 / Venue
ビルドスペース birdo space 塩竈市港町2-3-11
2-3-11, Minatomachi, Shiogama City, Miyagi Pref. JAPAN 985-0016

Free Admission
佐竹真紀子 小作品展  @ごはん屋はれ

会期 2023年8月17日(木)-9月18日(月)

平日:11:00 –15:00 (L.O. 14:30)
17:30 –20:30 (L.O. 20:00)
土日祝日:11:00 –17:00 (L.O. 16:30)

会場:ごはん屋はれ 塩竈市東玉川町9-18(JR塩釜駅より徒歩3分)



<本多工房アーティストシリーズ WORKS BY SATAKE MAKIKO>


会期 8月27日(日)- 9月17日(日)

場所 本多工房 塩竈市北浜1-1-40


日時: 2023年9月17日(日)12:00~12:30
場所: ビルドスペース 塩竈市港町2-3-11



プロフィール / Profile
佐竹真紀子 SATAKE Makiko

主な展覧会に「3.11とアーティスト:10年目の想像」(2021/水戸芸術館現代美術ギャラリー、茨城)、「若手アーティスト支援プログラムVoyage2021『波紋のかなたに』」(塩竈市杉村惇美術館、宮城)、「VOCA展 現代美術の展望─新しい平面の作家たち」(2017/上野の森美術館、東京)。2023年現在、塩竈のシェアアトリエ「本多工房」で制作中。

佐竹真紀子 / SATAKE Makiko

Born in Miyagi Prefecture in 1991. SATAKE is an artist based in Tohoku after completing a graduate program at Musashino Art University in Tokyo.

Through the techniques of applying and scraping paint in her artwork, she finds ways to portray the memories from people she has encountered and landscapes she has experienced. Major exhibitions participated in Japan include:

Artists and the Disaster: Imagining in the 10th year, Art Tower Mito Contemporary Art Gallery, Mito, IBARAKI

Voyage 2021 - Emerging Artist Support Program: Beyond Ripples, Shiogama Sugimura Museum of Art, Shiogama, MIYAGI

VOCA Exhibition 2017: New Perspectives on Contemporary Art, Ueno Royal Museum, TOKYO

As of 2023, SATAKE creates original artwork at the Honda Artists Studio, a shared art studio complex in Shiogama, MIYAGI
《水見舞》部分 木製パネルにアクリル 2023年
《水見舞》部分 木製パネルにアクリル 2023年
《おやすみなさい 子どもたち》 木製パネルにアクリル 2023年
《おやすみなさい 子どもたち》 木製パネルにアクリル 2023年