2023.11.18 - 12.10
後藤有美個展「果物な静物」/ Still Life Fruits: A solo exhibition by GOTO Yumi
- Cezanne's pitcher
展示紹介 / Exhibition Introduction
Specializing in pottery making, GOTO makes use of a technique called the Nerikomi, and incorporates the colors and elements of Japanese Western still life paintings, or “Yohga”, in her works.
In creating the ceramic vessel, or “Utsuwa”, she uses fire to distinguish those that are glazed - prim, proper, and ready to use, and those which are not - brittle, fragile, and prone to breaking. But going beyond these processes, GOTO digs deeper on its meaning and through the use of fruits, invites us to reflect, and reconsider on how we categorize things around us. Just when does the “Utsuwa” cease to be as such, and instead is called a painting? As the saying goes, in a deck of cards, is a spade really considered a spade?
Understanding how to distinguish these boundaries has been a theme GOTO has been exploring, and in turn form the foundation of her inaugural solo exhibit in her home prefecture of Miyagi.
概要 / Summary
- 日時 / Date and time
- 2023年 11月 18 日(土)~ 12月10 日(日)
11:00 - 17:00
作家在廊日 11/18(土)-11/19(日)
18 November (Sat) to 10 December 2023 (Sun)
11:00 to 17:00
Closed on Mondays
On 18 and 19 November (the first weekend of the exhibit) GOTO will be present at birdo space.
後藤有美 x 深井聡一郎氏(彫刻家/東北芸術工科大学工芸デザイン学科教授)
深井聡一郎/ FUKAI Soichiro
陶を素材とする彫刻家。東北芸術工科大学工芸デザイン学科教授。大学院芸術文化専攻長。1973年東京生まれ。武蔵野美術大学修士課程造形研究科(彫刻)修了。2002-2003年文化庁在外派遣研修員として英国に滞在。主な個展は、1998年ギャラリーなつか(同‘00、’01、‘06、’09)、2002年ガレリアキマイラ、2004年GALLERY GAN 、2007年INAXライブミュージアム、2010年Art Center Ongoing(同’19)、新宿眼科画廊。主なグループ展は、 2003年破壊しにー ガレリアキマイラ、第9回岡本太郎記念現代芸術大賞(TARO賞)展 川崎市岡本太郎美術館、2010年 DOMANI明日展 国立新美術館。 2013年AGAIN-ST第1~10回展。株式会社Q1及びコマーシャルギャラリー famAAのボードメンバー。
Related event: Afternoon Artists Gallery Talk at birdo space
Featuring GOTO Yumi and FUKAI Soichiro, faculty member and practicing sculptor from the Craft Design Department at the Tohoku University of Art and Design
Date: 25 November (Sun) from 16:00 to 17:00
Free Admission
- 場所 / Venue
- ビルドスペース birdo space
2-3-11 Minatomachi, Shiogama City, Miyagi Pref. JAPAN 985-0016
Free Admission
Please note that both the Artist’s Exhibition and Gallery Talk will be held at birdo space.
- プロフィール / Profile
- 後藤 有美/ GOTO Yumi
1997年 宮城県生まれ / Born in Miyagi Prefecture in 1997.
2012年 七ヶ浜町立七ヶ浜中学校 卒業 / Graduated from Shichigahama Town Middle School in 2012.
2015年 宮城県宮城野高等学校 美術科 卒業 / Graduated from the Art Department at the Miyagi Pref. Miyagino High School in 2015.
2019年 東北芸術工科大学 芸術学部美術科 工芸コース 卒業 / Graduated from the Craft Design Department at the Tohoku University of Art and Design in 2019.
現在 宮城県七ヶ浜町にて制作を行う/ Currently works in Shichigahama Town, Miyagi Pref.
個展 / Solo exhibitions*
「見立てるということ」Gallery KIDO Press、東京 / Mitateru to iu koto (Resemblance) at the Gallery KIDO Press in TOKYO
「後藤有美展 still life」日本橋髙島屋アートアベニュー、東京 / GOTO Yumi-ten still life (GOTO Yumi exhibition, still life) at the Nihonbashi Takashimaya Art Avenue in TOKYO.
「後藤有美展」横浜市民ギャラリーあざみ野 ショーケースギャラリー、神奈川 / GOTO Yumi-ten(GOTO Yumi exhibition) at the Yokohama Civic Art Gallery’s Azamino Showcase Gallery in KANAGAWA Pref.
「変形するやりとり」日本橋髙島屋S.C.本館6階 美術工芸サロン、東京 / Henkei Suru Yaritori (Transforming Interactions) at the Nihonbashi Takashimaya S.C. Main Building 6th Floor Arts and Crafts Salon in TOKYO.
*Unless otherwise stated, original transliterated Japanese-languages titles are highlighted in italics, with their close-appropriate translations in parentheses.